Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My son suddenly discovered body spray last year. When I read the label and saw phthalates I decided to find out what they were. What follows is some of the information I found.

Twenty years of research has suggested that phthalates disrupt the hormone system. Developmental and reproductive issues have been associated to some phthalates. Other research suggests the same mechanism may contribute to the growth of breast tumor cells.

Phthalates are used in a variety of common products from toys to air fresheners to skin care and cosmetics. Unfortunately most labels do not list phthalates as an ingredient because of a loophole that allows phthalates to be included in “fragrance” without being listed. Because fragrance is added to nearly every product consumers are being exposed to phthalates daily and often without even knowing it.

The easiest way to reduce your exposure to phthalates is to choose natural skin care and cosmetics that do not allow phthalates in their products. If you love fragrance choose products with essential oil blends or phthalate-free fragrances.
SafeCosmetics.org is a great resource for information and offers a list of companies who have signed their Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Be sure to look up Beaute Purpose you are there.

Wishing you health and wellness,


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